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Our Carbon Accounts

December 2021

Automedi is the UK's first net negative emissions business. We do this using activities geared to plastic waste reduction, cross-sector supply chain decarbonisation and regeneration portfolio to maximise our carbon reduction activity.

Carbon Emissions

Our Circularity-as-a-Service captures carbon emissions from various points in conventional supply and manufacturing chains. Whether a 1/400th of the energy of conventional factory machines, eradication of freight and logistics miles and the prevention of final disposal of more materials than can currently be collected.


In 2022 we teamed up with regenerative partners that will help us magnify our social benefit next year.

Energy Consumption

Because our factories are distributed at the point of use, and not in one place, the amount of energy required per kg of plastics is much lower. Each automotive manufacturing appliance consumes only 0.92 kWh of power for every kg of plastics made. Compared to 22kWh for industrial appliances. 

Plastics Optimisation

We engineer 3D printed products to offer the same mechanical performance as convention injection moulding & vacuum formed products from only 25% of the plastics. Meaning ever 1kg of captures plastics creates almost 4 times as many conventional recyclable items from the same amount of material. All at much lower energy.

Transit Emissions

Transit emissions are released when goods are transported around factories and estates or in cargo freight, across oceans, by air, road or rail. Automedi is located on site so requires no emissions for transit, but as a worst possible case, if a single Automedi machine is not heavily utilised but has been transported to the target site. We have included some figures for one machine amortised across a year.

Economic Stability

Automedi has been designed from the ground up to be used on-site. Its easy to use “vending machine” interface does not require training. Meaning communities and care facilities can start using it straight away. Whether in hospitals in the North of England, or disconnected communities in sub-Saharan Africa every community can participate in the health of the nation in very direct, economically prosperous ways.

Carbon Reduction

Automedi Recycles existing plastics into filament which is used in its 3D care printing network.

The unique way Automedi deploys its circular economy (aka “helical economics”) moves towards less risky use-case as plastics age. Saving emissions from freight, high energy manufacturing, and disposal and also saves these emissions from future conventionally made items that would otherwise accumulate it next time.

Automedi has the option of deploying with a first batch of recycled bioplastics, made from recycled food waste from agricultural supply chains. This seed material is then recycled within Automedi's circular economy as normal

Carbon Negation

Each Automedi appliance offsets 1.9 tonnes of CO2 through the reductions in embodied carbon supply chain factors and a reduced energy consumption.


Carbon is saved through:


  • Preventing incineration

  • Eradicating freight emissions

  • Lower manufacturing emissions

  • No separate heating or lighting  emissions



(average saving by cluster*)

(per device equivalent)

*average cluster size of 1 reclaimer and 2 nano machines extrapolated over 30 day period

Find out how much Carbon we're saving clients 

Our Regeneration Work

We're not just about dealing with the plastics problem. We also work with local and international regeneration teams to help regrow deforested areas and have a portfolio of actions that we take on top of our plastic circularity work.

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